Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Minifigs Nassau Grenadiers

Phil's comment on my post about the 1st Nassau reminded me I had a stand of Minfig Nassau somewhere.  After a bit of searching here they are:

Just for the record, the figure codes are NN4 - standard bearer, NN6 - officer, NN5 - drummer and NN2 - grenadier.  I remember getting these and thinking one day I might be able to afford more.  By that time I was into 15mm and Minifigs, while cute, no longer do it for me.


  1. Nice work, not tempted to finish them?


  2. By adding more figures I meant LOL


    1. The price of Minifigs, the challenge to paint what I would describe as smooth figures, the recent batch of 15mm Nassau completed and that I have the Hat 1/72nd scale figures to do, plus the challenge of matching the colours has removed any temptation that might have once existed.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil, I wish I could remember when I painted these. I'm guessing in the last 20 or 15 years as I didn't do anything crazy with the base (when I was young I used to cut them off).
