Thursday, February 17, 2022

A bit more General d'Armee

At the club last night we reconstructed the game from last week and pushed along a bit, getting a better handle on fire combat, charge and melee.

I haven't read the rules or watched any of the videos so it was a bit of a suck it and see exercise.  Some bits irked me, like skirmishers shooting up artillery and skirmishers not getting a bonus firing on squares, but this might be me being so used to playing Napoleonic's were an on table unit represents a brigade, not a battalion.

I mentioned before I found the rules to be like Shako, but this similarity started to fade as I got a better feel for them.  The charge mechanism seems interesting and I liked the idea of maintaining supports for units to rally back on.

I did have some shitty die rolls, but nothing new there.

Skirmishers have been pulled back and the French in line engage the British with some volleys.
A battalion in column stands in support.

Cavalry action, despite having the numbers and quality, the French did not have the luck.
However after two draws the British retired off the table due to lack of support.

A French line protecting their battery from deadly rifle fire.

Something must be working for me as I've agreed to play next week, but this time fielding my 15mm Austrians.

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