There is broken ground on my right and an impassable lake on my left.
There are lots of longbow to my centre.
My peltasts have to run the longbow gauntlet.
First blood to the Burgundians.
But their genius commander turns out to be just an expert.
My screening force of light foot and skirmishers,
while doing their job, are starting to thin out.
I hurry up my right wing heavy foot
only to see them go disordered.
On the left I've sent some Greek light cavalry on a sweep.
A very wide sweep.
At least they took one of the longbow units out of the Burgundian line
and didn't get themselves in any trouble.
My peltasts are coming to grips with the longbow.
And the pikes go in!
Might right wing is doing well, although they are having trouble rallying
Javelin skirmishers - love em!
My expert CinC is just having a fair day.
One unit of Hoplites on my left has been chewed up.
My right is having trouble finding targets
The end of the left wing.
But it is damn close!
However I was just not able to get in and do enough damage.