
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Barbarossa - Completion of fifth turn and some of the sixth turn

New camera or rather new phone that seems to be all about the camera.  Photos look to be an improvement of previous shots.

AGN clearing the way to Riga
Assault on Daugavpils on the Dvina

AGC on to Minsk 
with some mopping up along the way

AGS trying to close pocket around Lvov
and open the road to Kiev

Turn Six (2 to 3 July 1941)

These next photos were taken at the end of the Axis declaration of combat stage (although some for AGN and AGC might still be in the process of being completed).  Next is to allocate air assets.  AGC and the Romanian front are putting pressure on the back and require the long arm of the gamer to be fully deployed.

Fighting for Riga is about to commence
while battle rages in Daugavpils

Fighting for Minsk 
and what looks like a breakthrough north of the marshes

A pocket has been created on the road to Kiev
and Lvov is about to be surrounded

Romania has entered the war 
and attacks!

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