
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Stolberg Corridor - Day Three

The campaign continues.

Previous reports can be found here Day One and here Day Two

The map for Day Three (15 September 1944) was:

The table started with rows 10 to 18.

The starting position as best we could recreate it from the previous game.

In what was to be a never-ending skirmish for the whole day, 
the US forces attacked the pillbox line that runs from Stolberg to Ellendorff.

The US set about reducing the pocket between Vicht and Busbach.
They also considered attacking 9th Panzer but called it off.
(Not a Rommel rule, but a gentleman's agreement post photo)

The US were intent on capturing the pillbox ridge line
and in increasing their hold on Stolberg.

9th Panzer counterattacks.

The fighting for Vicht and the rest of the German position to Busbach continues.

That pillbox near Ellendorff.

Vicht and Busbach have been captured.

But the US are not having any success breaking the pillbox line between Stolberg and Ellendorff. 

The rest of 9th Panzer has arrived and goes into an immediate attack
around the outskirts of Stolberg.
Note: at this stage we had adjusted the table to include rows 19 and 20,
removing rows 10 and 11.  Artillery is off table.

9th Panzer continues its attack.
The troops in the vehicles in the panzer grey (bottom right-hand corner of above image) 
had been severely repulsed in their first attack and would take no more part in the day's fighting.

The US try again against the Stolberg Ellendorff line.

And again...

The US launch their own attacks against 9th Panzer.

Driving them back.

But 9th Panzer attack again.

Another US attack on the Stolberg Ellendorff line.

9th Panzer maybe in trouble.

Yes, another attack on the Stolberg Ellendorff line, this time from the US perspective.

As well as a continued attack against 9th Panzer.

Stolberg Ellendorff line again.

9th Panzer being pushed back.

Stolberg Ellendorff line 

The US expand their attack on 9th Panzer.

However, 9th Panzer counterattack.

The US attack the infantry elements of 9th Panzer around Mausbach.

The US trying to push out of Stolberg, which at this stage is largely in their hands or undefended.
At some stage there had been a "forward withdrawal" by some US troops, avoiding combat, but capturing another part of Stolberg. The expression in the rule is you can't withdraw/retreat into "enemy held" areas, which, after a bit of debate, we took to mean "enemy occupied".

Stolberg Ellendorff line 

Stolberg Ellendorff line 
Most of these combats produce no losses for either side.

Final attack by US forces as night falls.

The situation northeast of Stolberg.
During the night the Germans pull back mauled units to rebuild them.
We use an unspent Ops dice as equivalent to one support point for this purpose.

North of Stolberg
Eschweiler (red roof) bottom centre of above image.

The Germans, after holding it all day, have had to partially pull back from the Stolberg Ellendorff line.

The final position.  
The German 12th Infantry Division is still two days away

The front line, many of the German held areas are unoccupied.


  1. Classic game with lots to recommend it.

    1. It is developing well. Two days before the German 12th Infantry Division arrives may be a challenge.
