
Friday, May 24, 2024

Arab Conquest versus Maukarian Byzantine

I offered Julian a friendly game of Basic Impetus 2.0 - he is a player of Impetus (the original).  I picked two matched armies from my collection and suggested he went Byzantine.  

Julian's first roll (pregame scouting) was a double one - shades of things to come.
As it was the Byzantines still out scouted the Arabs,
giving them a deployment advantage.

The Byzantine's had a plan - break through the area between the broken ground
and swing round to take the Arabs in the rear.

Good plan required good luck.
The Arab missile troops scored many hits as the Byzantines tried to close.
What of the Arab plan?
To keep away from the Byzantine horse.

Determined to attack, the Byzantine light cavalry wheeled 
and made a short charge into the Arab archers.
In the first of a number of upsets, the Byzantines scored no hits,
while the Arabs scored enough to force a Cohesion Test 
which the Byzantine failed in a big way.

While that was going on the Arab infantry had advanced 
and were now supported by their camelry who had redeployed.

Yet another upset as the Byzantine cavalry fails to rout the Arab slingers.

The Arab foot is clearing all before it (which wasn't much),
however, it is their archers in the centre that are causing serious damage to their foe.

The Arab archers are really making their presence felt.

The archers and slingers are doing all the work.

The Byzantines suffer almost total annihilation.

Slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.


Sticks and stones have broken their bones.

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