
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Off to a good home

Over time I had collected a lot of plastic construction kits that I thought I would enjoy in my retirement.  Well, I got the enjoy retirement right, but the scale wrong.  In a bit of serendipity these have gone to someone who I hope will enjoy them in their pending retirement.


  1. Wow, many of those bring back happy boyhood memories - I definitely had the Puma and Humber A/C, at the very least! Are Matchbox kits still being produced or have you had these in storage since the late 20th century?!

    1. In storage since late 20th century. The Humber was a little beauty!

  2. Yes, it can be hassle ... I'm still a decade away from retirement, but my mindset is that whatever wargaming project I'll pursue during retirement, I'll buy whatever shiny toys will be available then. So no need to stockpile on stuff now to be used 10 years from now.

    To think of it, most wargamers will probably buy the new shiny toys anyway, irrespective of the stockpiles they might have accumulated over the decades :-)

    1. Wargaming is a great hobby for retirement. For me I only got into 15mm WW2 when I retired (12 years ago) and now it is my preferred scale for that period, and it has rendered all my previous 1/76th scale projects (models, figures and stockpile) obsolete. However, there is still heavy nostalgia.

  3. Wow - some very shiny kit there! I have some of them (all built, I think) Probably my favourite is the Jagdpanther. Elegant vehicle. In the Wellington Warlords Airfix Rule Set Arms Race of 1976, I picked up 3 of them. I now have 5 (2 picked up 2nd hand) plus a 6th from another manufacturer. I note that the Humber looks a lot different from the Matchbox version (mind you, the Hasegawa Daimler II is a really pretty vehicle).

    The 17pr plus tractor and jeep is a nice kit - have I think two of them, one of which features in my Harad 'border incident' that I've barely started writing up - but for some reason I never got 'Monty's Caravan'. Hiatus valde deflendus, methinks now... I have no doubt all that kit will grace battlefields somewhere!

    1. I must take photos and post them of the Matchbox kits I have completed (long time ago now). They need to go to a good home or at least be put on display.
