
Monday, July 8, 2024

The Leak - Not About Wargames

So, I have a studio where I used to do my painting.  This was lost to me when my partner took long service leave and decided it needed painting.  It did and it has been done.  

However, she then has the idea that it would make a good guest room, sleep out, or granny flat.  It would.  Not that we really need such a thing.  

But what about me?

No problem.  I could have the front room...

Around this time our daughter moved out.  I had always had my eye on her room for a wargames room.  My partner had other ideas.

But first she decided the floors needed sanding and polishing.  They did and I went and compounded things by saying the front four rooms needing doing along with the hallway (this represents the old part of our house).

So, we embarked on that project. It's a nightmare moving all the furniture and possessions (mainly books) into the rest of the house, but, yeah, it will help motivate us to declutter.  The "us" being mainly me.

Anyway, halfway through the sanding of the front room, the guy doing the work calls me in.

A true WTF moment.

Well, it could have been one of our dogs sneaking in to the christen the floor, but no, they were safely secured out back.

I was raining... A rare occurrence.

Now, we had noticed a bit of peeling paint on the ceiling.  It had been there a while and I just attributed it to flawed workmanship as we have other examples where previous walls had not been properly sealed etc.  Grabbing a ladder, I clambered up to investigate.  Peeling off the patch the fabric of the ceiling was revealed.

Could be worse.

Floor polishing interruptus, I called the insurance company.  A few days later an assessor came out.  He used a drone to check out the roof.  No observable damage.  The ceiling repair was covered, but not the cause.  Great.  I had expected as much and now the challenge fell to me.

Into the roof cavity I ventured.  Cramped, dusty, dangerous and no fun.  I was also not optimistic that I would actually find the cause of the leak.

A picture is supposed to be worth a thousand words.

What I found was a hole through one of the insulation batts directly above the damage to the ceiling.  Strangely it was nice and dry.  Twisting round and looking up...

The crack

Well, this was good news.  It was a tile that had been previously repaired.  I assumed that a small amount of rain had found its way through over the years.  All I had to do was crawl out, get some filler, crawl back in and do a repair.

The sunny outside

That done I thought, maybe I should go on the roof and do some filling from the other side.  Nice and dangerous getting on the roof, but at least clean and not a confined space.  There are a few repaired tiles as can be seen, but the one causing the grief is hidden under the solar panel.

Case closed.

Of course, now the room has to be repainted which will delay occupation.  Luckily, I had reclaimed a bit of the studio and have been slowly progressing some hobby work.

Better still we didn't take up the insurance offer and I did the repair myself with the plaster I use for basing miniatures.  However, dust removal and painting will take a while, but looking on the bright side, it's a bonding exercise for my partner and myself.


  1. Positive outlook conquers all.

  2. I am glad you only needed to patch the tile and not replace it. A nightmare with the solar panels on top.
    And well done on being able to get up there and sort it out yourself.

  3. Think of all the DIY skills you have gained. All ready for next time!
