
Monday, March 14, 2022

Finally some figures finished

The hot summer has dented my painting output. but finally we have:

These are rescue minis that were surplus to Dave's requirements and headed to the melting pot.
The gun and two crew are Tin Soldier the other two dudes are anyone's guess.

At least I can say I painted these from scratch.

For my Burgundian army, a unit of Feudal crossbowmen.
Tin Soldier

Only three of these figures were painted from scratch, 
the bulk of them being rebased from spares I had from my existing forces 
(that date from WRG 7th and FoG days)

These were a gift from Simon.
All I did was base and repair one little guy who had bent and then snapped at the ankles.  Ouch!

They can be Light Foot for a Numidian army that I think I can make up from my Carthaginian forces.

All basing is for basic Impetus.

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