
Friday, January 7, 2022

Paths of Glory - it was over by the end of Summer 1915

After out first game and also since I've been playing this game solitaire on Vassal, I was keen to play Paths of Glory again.   This time I was the Central Powers and Richard the Allied Powers.

As per the historical scenario the AP had a successful attack on Liege/Sedan.  Moltke was then struck with indecision, but Falkenhayn soon put him right and this moved the Central Powers to Limited War (which brings in Turkey, but I didn't realise this till later).  Russia attacked Tarnopol, the Germans created the Sud Army (although weren't ready to put it into effect).  Austria-Hungary attacked Belgrade.  A significant battle occurred at Tannenberg which (in hindsight) took the wind out of any Russian offensives for the rest of the game.  The French used Paris taxis to rush troops to the front.

In September Ge attacked Lomza and Belfort while AH  launched a major assault against Serbia.  The Allies tried to gain the CP's attention by attacking Sedan and Liege.  Ru brought on their 9th and 10th armies, Fr made a first attempt to retake Belfort.  AP cried foul over the Rape of Belgium which the CP decried as fake news!

Fall 1914 Bulgaria enters the war.  Both the CP and AP raise new armies. Ge takes Warsaw, AH conquer Serbia and Albania.  The High Seas Fleet sorties and the AP implement a Blockade.

Winter 1914 Italy enters the war.  CP rush troops to the Italian border just in time.  Ge fails to make a mandatory attack.

Spring 1915 Ge use Chorine Gas on the Russian Front.  Phosgene gas is used by the AP on the Western Front.  Italy fails to make a mandatory attack.

Summer 1915 AH attacks in the Alps while Ge abandon Mulhouse which the Fr then occupy.  Italy makes a disastrous counterattack which is then exploited by AH.  Br has an equally disastrous attack at Liege.

This is the situation at the end of Summer 1915.  AP replacements had been allocated, but the VP marker not adjusted.  It should be around 15 or 16.  At this stage AH had achieved all its war goals and then some!  The Tsar is still on the throne but Britain has lost the BEF.  France and Germany can negotiate their border, and Poland?  Not sure how Russia can save face.

Very challenging game as things can develop quickly and a few bad outcomes can prove catastrophic if the forces are already worn down (as happened to Br and It).  

After this session it is fair to say Richard is not as enamoured with this game as I am.  I enjoy it as a game.  As a simulation of WW1, not sure and then did WW1 have to play out as it did?  Certainly area movement and card based make for a quiet different game to what we usually play.  


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