
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Old Glory Prussian Landwher

Finished these in record time, however they were meant for last year's Waterloo game.  I'd ended up borrowing troops from my late friend Myron Shipp which took the pressure off.  When I was tidying up my paint desk, or rather trying to tidy it up, I found these figures and with a reference from I thought "easy".  I was mostly right.  Took three goes to get the shade of blue right.  It's a base of Jo Sonja's Prussian Blue Hue with VJ Prussian Blue mixed with the Prussian Blue Hue for the highlight.  In between there was a coat of VJ Dark Prussian Blue but it just didn't look any good.  Pants are JS Nimrod Grey with a highlight of JS Titanium White.

Twenty four figures, here deployed as two 12PrLW for Napoleon's Battles.  

Good pose and mix of foot wear.

Flags are from "the Internet".


  1. Really nice Mark!!! I have 3 battalions of the OG Prussian landwher in cap to paint up at some point, had them out last week to inspire. Doing AB landwehr at the moment.

    1. Thanks Paul. Most of my Prussians are old Essex, AB and Old Glory are much more interesting. I look forward to seeing your landwher.

  2. I have painted a number of these Old Glory LDW, myself over the years. Fine sculpts and you have done a nice job. As for the shade of blue, my thought is that it that there is no "correct" shade of blue. I bet anything could be found on the 19th Century battlefield.

    1. Thanks.

      And yes, you're right about the blue on the battlefield. My problem was that I was trying to be clever with shading and highlights (normally I just do one block colour). Got there in the end.

  3. lovely looking Landwehr unit - I like the "bare feet or foot" figures too. As for shading, I would add a drop of black color to the blue, to make the blue a little darker as main block color, then afterwards add the shading with the original blue used...

