
Sunday, June 28, 2015

ANF Waterloo - Part 1

Yesterday Mark B and myself joined with the ANF crew in their game of Waterloo using their modified Shako rules, 1/72nd style.  A chance to participate in another game of Waterloo, regardless of scale or rules was not to be missed. This one was a biggy, full of wonderful nostalgia.  The following photos do not even begin to so the scale or all the wonderful figures in play.

The Prince of Orange advises Wellington that Napoleon has already taken possession of three quarters of the table and that there is not enough room for the Anglo-Allies to deploy.  Wellington tells the Prince that Napoleon will find that he will over reach this time. (The Prince of Orange is a Waterloo 1815 figure I painted specially for this game - he seems dwarfed by the Wellington command stand).

Part of my command on the left of the Allied line.  There is a civilian waving a umbrella about as if the troops belong to him, not me.

My command - from the farms of La Haie and Papelotte to the road to Brussels.  Who deployed Bijlandt's brigade out there?

The Allied right flank behind Hougoumont.

I have ordered Bijlandt's brigade to face left and prepare to move off.

There I am, in the midst of the troops as the French artillery starts to inflict mounting losses.  Our guns return fire, but carefully targeting their troops. (The gun with two figures is from my collection and again Waterloo 1815 figures - they are a small conversion on the Foot Artillery to represent Dutch-Belgian Horse Artillery).

The two lead militia battalions have declined further service after receiving three hits each.  Will I be able to get the rest of the brigade to safety?  I madly wave my hat to encourage them.

Looks like Wellington is about to be run over by a French Division (the 2nd).

My Chapeau of Glory leads my men to safety.  British cavalry are having to make way for them.  If the 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division has to take a morale test there is a risk that La Haie, Papelotte and Smohain will be abandoned without a fight.

Wellington ducked behind the tree.  British artillery fired canister at a leading French battalion, dispersing it, like chaff before the wind.  An attack by the French on La Haie Sainte is repelled, but the French will subsequently rally.  Boo hiss!

On the right the French are trying to sneak around Hougoumont.  There has been some intense fighting by the French cavalry of their II Corps as they try and crowd us in just as we try and jam in our reinforcements.

The first part of the battle comes to a close with four turns done leaving us to start the 13:30 turn next week.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Last night at the club it was time to see if three Sopwith Camels could stop Stephen's new planes.  Would they suffer the curse of new wargames units?

Two Hannover CL.IIIAs (controlled by Stephen N) and a Fokker E.V (controlled by Matthew) on a secret mission, about to be intercepted by three Camels (the RFC planes controlled by me and the single RNAS by Mark B - the plane with what looks like extra RNZAF roundels).

The clouds and crashed plane are just for show... Or are they?  We don't know the enemy mission and the Fokker, here after referred to as Bumble Bee, has broken off.

Boom!  I get my first kill.  Stephen (who umpires as well - it's his collection so that's fair) decided a second card had to be pulled to see the extent of the explosion.  He pulled another explosion card.

Getting up close and personal.

Strung out.  The remaining Hannover is diving away from me (the rotter!) while Mark B has gone after the Bumble Bee.

Hannover filled full of holes is found to be no longer very aerodynamic and crashes to the ground.  My second kill.

The hunt is on for the Bumble Bee.

Where has he gone?  

Using its superior climb rate it momentarily eluded us.

Prolonged aimed fire tested its aerodynamic qualities which were found wanting.  
Down it went, making my third kill in one evening.


Not that we weren't shot at, we were just lucky to escape serious damage.

Very Unofficial Leaderboards

The first list separates players by nation.  As we often fly multiple planes, calling players pilots is a bit misleading.

It probably is best to list by sorties, which matches games played/planes flown.  The Wings of glory tragics are easy to pick.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wings of Glory Play by Email - Game 13

Thanks to Bruce for running this game and letting me participate.

The aim was to defend your balloons and attack the enemy's balloons.  It was early war planes and I had command of H1 at Nieuport 17 and H2 an Airco DH2.

I decided to go after the enemy with H1 while H2 would defend, took me a while to get my bearings (if, indeed, I ever did).

Oh dear, H1 is on fire and H2 gets walloped.

It just gets worse for H1 and things don't look good for H2 either.

Both planes on fire!

After giving serious thought to trying to crash H1 into the enemy balloon, it tries to maneuver to put out the flames.  H2 will try the same tactic.

My burning planes continue their desperate attempts to put out their respective fires.  Other planes are not so fortunate,

H1 should head for home and H2 thinks maybe he should do the same.

But both of my planes decide to stay in the fight.  Brave lads!

Both planes are back in action.  They need to be as our side has lost more planes.

H1's pilot is wounded which cramps his shooting, but all the same, he is feeling pretty good about himself.  H2 is trying hard to acquire a target.

The balloons have now been winched to safety, a few enemy planes remain to be taken care of.

H1 gets in some shots and H2 is closing in...

But nothing happens.  Best play it safe as it is time to start thinking of heading home.

What?  Suddenly H1 is done for and H2 surrounded by the enemy.  Oh dear, this is not good, not good at all...

H2 puts up a brave fight as help arrives to drive off the enemy planes.

H2 picks up the "First to Bar" award.  Well deserved as it landed full of holes and burnt fabric - 11 damage out of a max of 13.  Phew!

Great fun and big thanks to Bruce for keeping my moves sorted out and doing all the work.