
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Napoleon's Battles - Testing Out New Casualty Markers

Time for my new Brunswick troops to take to the table.  It is also a chance to see how my new casualty markers go.  Unfortunately or fortunately they didn't get much use.  Stefan had command of Ney's forces from Quatre Bras and had rotten luck.  I had the Anglo-Allied troops from the same battle.

The Anglo-Allied army out numbers the French, 
although the latter have cavalry and artillery superiority.

First action forces Dutch-Belgian jaegers to form square to beat off the French lancers.
(Austrian Grenz standing in for the Dutch-Belgians)

French Dragoons charged the Brunswick infantry,
but the Brunswick cavalry come to their rescue.
Casualty markers on full display, ready to be used in a twist.

The Anglo-Allies have been advancing and getting the better of the long-distance shooting.

The French decide to commit their cavalry to break the centre of the Allied line,
in reaction to the Allies surging forward.

The last hurrah when the Dutch Belgian light cavalry vanquishes the French Cuirassiers.
Note the riderless horse with blue saddle cloth representing disorder,
and my previous attempt at casualty markers.

Stefan has graciously accepted a rematch, and I am busy making a few more of my new model casualty markers.  In next week's game I will be the French commander.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Kingdom of Heaven - Audita Tremendu

The Third Crusade, the fourth scenario in the Kingdom of Heaven. Richard took the role of the Muslim, while I went Christian.  Six turns with the Crusaders arriving at turn 4 if the Muslims have achieved a certain level of VPs (otherwise Christian victory).

1187 AD

Raymond II goes to Acre, boosting its garrison and more Crusaders arrive under the command of Sigurd, heading to reinforce Antioch and Tripoli.

Saladin advances to Damascus and then to besiege Jerusalem after his call for it to surrender was ignored. The Resistance Factor (RF) is 6.

The Crusaders call a truce. This halts aggressive activities, but the Muslims are still able to use diplomacy to persuade Antioch to go neutral.  However, the Christians quickly get them to change their minds. (the joys of diplomacy, but there are 5 VPs resting with them and, as we shall see, the fate of the game).

Saladin is delayed by a poor harvest, but he is determined to carry on his siege, successfully intercepting a Jerusalem foraging party (RF-1).  He calls on Fortunes of War to no effect, but he is able to maintain the siege over winter.

1188 AD

Saladin deploys sappers and miners to drastically weaken Jerusalem's defences (RF-3).  They counter with a brief sortie (RF+1).  Saladin builds a siege tower (RF-2) and then deploys further sappers and miners reducing the RF to 0.  He is about to order an assault when heavy rains call an end to activities.

But it was only a temporary reprieve.  The Muslims assault the holy city but fail with a 3:2 result (needs to be double or to wipe out the garrison).  RF increases by 1.

They launch a second assault and succeeded 2:0. Guy dies and Raymond is taken prisoner.  Jerusalem falls.  The Pope is not impressed.

The Muslims try some diplomacy on the Assassins, but it fails.  However, Saladin gets Kerak and Krak de Montreal to surrender.

The Crusaders try some diplomacy on Armenia and the Muslims try to charm Cyprus.  Both fail.

1189 AD

Al-Adil moves reinforcements from Mosul to Damascus while Saladin tries to get Acre (RF 6 or 7) to surrender.  It doesn't.  The Egyptian fleet helps to blockade Acre (RF-1), but the blockade is broken by the garrison.  Saladin deploys ladders (RF -1) but is running low on supplies (RF+1).  An epidemic then breaks out in the besiegers camp and Saladin falls ill.  The plague doesn't spread, but the besiegers are much denuded, and Al-Adil has to come and pick them up and take them to Jerusalem. Siege broken.

Sigurd swaps with Raymond II (who belongs in Tripoli) to take command of Acre.

1190 AD

Richard, Philip and Barbarossa arrive.  The Genoese fleet lands Richard and Philip and their Crusaders (9 units) in Acre.

However, trouble in Europe sees Philip immediately head for home with 2 units.

Barbarossa advances to the coast at Attaleia carefully avoiding attrition.  But being careful doesn't suit him at all and he promptly dies and 5 of his 7 units return home.  Duke Leopold takes over the remains of Barbarossa's army (2 units) and they are ferried to Rosetta by the Venetians. (Very handy having both fleets available, very unlucky that Barbarossa died so soon, and that Philip went home as well).

Duke Leopold moves to Cairo and tries to storm the city but fails and is unable to maintain the siege.

Saladin moves to besiege Tripoli.  He fills in the moat and calls on Fortunes of Watr and is royally rewarded with trebuchets which smash the place up (RF-3).  The subsequent assault fails 3:2.    He maintains the siege over winter.

1191 AD

Richard and the Crusaders march to Tripoli and attack Saladin (who had failed to intercept them).  There are 35 factors to 19 with Richard having a +2 to the dice, while Saladin has a -1.  The battle produces a Major Victory for the Christians (8:4) and the following pursuit inflicts a further 10 step losses (a unit has two steps).  Saladin flees and the siege of Tripoli is broken.

Richard returns to Acre to adjust his forces before heading to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is blockaded (RF 6) and Richard constructs siege towers (RF-2).  His supplies are running low (RF+1), but more siege towers are built (RF-2).  There is a raid on Crusader foragers (RF+1) but Richard hires an Italian engineer.  Battering rams are used (RF-3 thanks to the engineer) and the assault is 8:4, a major victory.  Jerusalem is back in Christian hands and the Pope holds a special mass and Crusader fervour sees Richard receive some much-needed reinforcements.

Richard calls on Kerak to surrender.

1192 AD

More Crusaders are scheduled to arrive, but in a blow to the cause, they are delayed.

Saladin moves to Gaston and attempts to siege it.

Richard moves to Acre and Saladin breaks off his siege.  Heavy rains slow his movement, but he makes it to Hama.

It looks like a sound Christian victory, but last-minute Muslim diplomacy has Antioch go neutral producing a draw.

The situation at the end.
Crusader force displayed at Acre.