
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prussian Landwher Cavalry - Part 1

Work and family are taking their toll on my wargaming output, but that is only to be expected and is not a bad thing (mostly).  My current priority project is 16 Prussian Landwher cavalry, 16 PrLWC in Napoleon's Battles speak.  They are AB Miniatures and I've had them for five years or more, maybe even ten, and been painting them almost as long.  Today I got up to the red trim.

There is still a lot of work to go, but I am basically happy how they are turning out.  My main trouble is my eyesight is not what it used to be.  At least my hand is still steady (in fact I would say this aspect has improved).  So, I can't see where the paint is going, but when I paint a dot or line or whatever, that is what I get.

I will publish the uniform sources I am using.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Airfix French Napoleonic Artillery

This was one of my favourite sets and as a gamer I always like my French artillery openning up the battle.

But something went horribly wrong with that photo - that is not the right blue at all (from memory it was a Humbrol blue, enamel paint).

Still not right ...

Hmmm ... that's more the correct colour.  The flash was the cause of the colour change I think.

These two guns were painted a good 10 years apart, but around 30 years ago. I actually have a gun and crew from the Ecsi Old Guard artillery ready to paint, but not sure if it will ever get done.